1. Create New Client
From Admin:
a. Tap on the tab clients
b. Tap Add Client
c. Add new client details (Full name + email) and click Invite
From a QR code:
a. Ask to scan QR code
b. Tell them to choose the plan
c. Tell them to book the class
2. Send liability Waiver - optional
From client profile
Tap on Send Email
Send an email with the following text:
Hello, please sign your waiver, you can find this in your profile (link to website)
3. Add Payment Method
From your client
a. Ask clients to log in to their profile
b. Ask clients to add their card details to their profile in the payment method section
4. Purchase plans
Tap on clients
Search for the client by name or email
Tap on Plans
Select the plan you want to offer
Select their pricing option and tap on Complete
5. Check into class
a. Go to Calendar
b. Tap the class you want to add them
c. Search for the client in the Add client section
d. Redeem or open express checkout to add client