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Create courses with classes

You can now sell courses with classes in bundles.

Fernanda García avatar
Written by Fernanda García
Updated over a week ago

Courses can be a bundle of classes that you sell for a single price. When your clients purchase a course, they get automatically booked to all the classes within it. You can divide your courses into sections and add as many classes as you want to them.

Steps to start selling your courses:

  1. Create a course:

    On the sidebar, go to Courses > Create. Then, add a name, description, and images.

  2. Add sections with any upcoming classes:

    Add any activity type within a course's section, including group activities, 1 on 1 activities, and events.

    🪄Pro-tip: If you want these classes to only be available within a course, we advise that you set the activity as secret on your Activities page. This will hide the activity from your schedule, 1 on 1, or events tabs on your website.

  3. Assign a price to it:
    Set the course's price to Paid or Free.

  4. Determine the total capacity:

    Total capacity means the maximum purchases you want to allow for a course. Once your course reaches the total capacity, new clients will not be able to purchase it from the website anymore, but you'll be able to increase or decrease this number whenever.

  5. Show or rename your Courses tab on your website:

    On Fitune website > Website customization > Navigation:

    • If your Courses tab is not yet visible from your website, change the Courses tab status to Visible by tapping on it.

    • If you want to rename your Courses tab, click on the pencil icon to edit the tab name and Save.

And there is more to it...

Once your course has been created, you can also:

  • See the course overview page:

    On Courses > My courses, click on your course name, and you'll be redirected to the Course overview page with every detail of the course.

  • Perform express checkout:

    On the Course's overview page, you can search for clients, and add them by performing express checkouts for them.

  • See your course participants:

    On the Course's overview page, you can see when clients were last active on your website and when they enrolled in the course.

  • Keep adding more sections and classes:

    • You can keep updating more content from your course by going to Courses > My courses, and on the actions button, click on "Edit."

    • Clients enrolled in the course will be automatically booked to any classes added.

  • Share your course's links:

    • You can share the course link for your clients to see the course on your website.

    • If your course is Paid, you will have a Buy Now link that you can share with your clients so they purchase the course immediately.

  • Modify your Course confirmation email template:

    To find this template, go to Marketing > Email templates, and edit its subject and body, as needed, just make sure you don't edit the variables in the

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✨ Our goal is to keep improving Courses. If you have any feedback or questions, please share them with us at [email protected].

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