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How to give access to your team

A step-by-step guide to granting access to your staff so they can log in using their individual email and password.

Fitune Team avatar
Written by Fitune Team
Updated over 6 months ago

⚠️ This feature is available for Fitune account Owners only - Those who initially sign up to Fitune. This is unavailable for Admins who have been granted access by the Owner.

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How to grant access to a New staff

  1. Click on the +New Staff button at the top-right of the page.

  2. Add the Display name for the new staff - This is the one that will be shown to your clients on the website

  3. Set the Assign role toggle On.

  4. Enter the staff's First name, Last name, and Email address.
    Ensure the email address is correct because your staff will receive an invitation with the admin login link and temporary password to get started.

  5. Click the Save button.
    Your staff will immediately receive an invitation, and you will see them listed on the staff list with the Admin role.

How to grant access to an Existing staff

  1. Look for the staff you've previously created and click on the Edit action button (pencil icon).

  2. Set the Assign role toggle On.

  3. Enter the staff's First name, Last name, and Email address.
    Ensure the email address is correct because your staff will receive an invitation with the admin login link and temporary password to get started.

  4. Click the Save button.
    Your staff will immediately receive an invitation, and you will see them listed on the staff list with the Admin role.

Possible questions answered

What roles are there?

There are 4 roles:

  • Owner - This is the person who signed up to Fitune initially. This role has unlimited access to see and do anything and can create staff with Admin or Trainer roles.

  • Admin - Those who are given access by the Owner so they can log in with their own email and password. They can do everything the Owner can, except access the Settings pages (General settings, Payment gateway, Integrations, Admin notifications, Staff, Locations, and Plans & Billing).

  • Low Access - Those who can only have access to the Home and Calendar Tab

  • Trainer - Everyone you create as a staff so they can be assigned to teach a schedule, 1 on 1 service, video, or course. These don't get access to log in to your admin account. FYI: The Owner and Admins are also considered Trainers.

How do I remove access from a staff?

  1. Edit that staff and set the Assign role toggle Off.

  2. Don't forget to Save your changes.
    Next time the staff with removed access tries to log in, they won't be able to.

Can you view or edit the email that the staff receives when they're granted access?

Yes! Follow these steps to do it:

  1. Click on the Edit icon for the Staff Access template if you want to view or modify it.

    1. If you modify it, do not fill in or edit the curly brackets {{ }} or the text within them, as these are automatically filled when sent. You can place the brackets with their text inside the email's body, just do not edit them.

    2. Do not remove the email or password brackets - {{}} or {{staff.password}} - since these are generated automatically.

Want to get started creating or granting access to staff members?

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