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Dashboard Metrics 📈

Explaining how each of your dashboard metrics are calculated

Laura Matus avatar
Written by Laura Matus
Updated over a year ago

➡ Active client

  • Someone who has an active unlimited membership or pack, paid with an online or offline payment method, of the historic count of the last day selected. PLUS

  • Someone who has booked or PAYGO purchased anything (bookings, videos, courses, memberships) within the past 30 days from the last selected day.

  • Clients are only counted once, even though they’ve purchased or booked multiple times.


    Let’s say I am filtering the dashboard from January 1 to 15.

    Active clients are clients with active plans (unlimited membership or packs) from January 1 to 15.

    Plus any client that has made any other purchase in the past 30 days before the last date selected; in this case from 16 of December to 15 of January).

➡ Average revenue per client

  • The total paid sales is divided by the # clients who paid.

  • A client is only ever counted once.


    Client A paid $50 pack + $20 course = $70

    Client B paid $40 course = $40

    $110/2 -> $55 Average revenue per client.

➡ Total sales

  • Total sales, with online or offline payment methods, in the time range selected, including all Fitune products (PAYGO classes, PAYGO appointments, PAYGO videos, PAYGO courses, memberships that were just purchased or renewed and generated a new invoice).

➡ Created clients

  • The total client count who’ve been added to the client list within the time range selected is categorized by those added upon admin invitation and those signed up from the website.

    Invited: Clients added by admin (single or bulk).

    Lead: Clients added through website sign-up.

    If you select March days, and admin added the client on March 15 and the same day it became a subscriber, the client is still counted towards Created clients.

➡ New paying clients

  • The total client count who purchased anything for the first time within the time range selected.

➡ Returning clients

  • The total client count is categorized by new paying and returning within the time range selected.

    Returning: The total client count from people who've purchased anything before. Someone who has had a previous invoice before. Second invoice+ time purchase.

    New paying: The total client count who’ve purchased anything for the first time within the time range selected.

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